PD Dr. Philippe Guillaume Privatdozent Institut für Altes Testament Telefon +41 31 684 80 67 E-Mail philippe.guillaume@gmail.com Postadresse Universität Bern Institut für Altes Testament Länggassstrasse 51 3012 Bern Schweiz
Curriculum Vitae 2011 Dr. theol. habil. Bern 2002 Dr. theol. Genève 1978 Technicien agricole Mâcon 1960 *
Arbeits- & Forschungsschwerpunkte Biblical chronography and calendars Ancient games and divination Agrarian approach to the Hebrew Bible Post-colonial exegesis
Publikationen (Auswahl) With E. A. Knauf, Ancient Israels Reconstructed (Sheffield: Equinox, forthcoming 2012). Refiguring Aaron (Oxford: University Press) expected 2012. Land, Credit and Crisis: Agrarian Finance in the Hebrew Bible (London: Equinox, forthcoming 2012). Land and Calendar: Demonstrating the Thematic Coherence of the Priestly Document (LHB/OTS; New York: T. & T. Clark, 2009). Text and Context: a History of Ancient Israel and of the Formation of the Old Testament (Beirut: Naufal, 2005). Waiting for Josiah: the Judges (JSOTSup, 385; London/ New York: T&T Clark International, 2004).