Research Topics
- Old Testament and Ancient Cultures (including Ancient Greece)
- Ancient Near Eastern Images and Symbols
- History of Religion and Iconography of Israel/Palestine
- Women and their everyday life, history of women in Israel/Palestine and the Ancient Near East
- Wisdom
- Biblical Anthropology
- Feminist Exegesis
- Animals and Theology
- Gender Studies
Current Projects:
SNF Sinergia: Stamp seals from the Southern Levant: a multi-faceted prism for studying entangled histories in an interdisciplinary perspective
A SINERGIA research project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation [CRSIIS_La6426]
SNF Projects (completed)
Forschungsprojekt "Gender und Tod" (zusammen mit Proff. Angela Berlis, Magdalene Frettlöh, Isabelle Noth)
Die Bildwelt Palästinas/Israels zwischen Ost und West (BIPOW). Ikonographische Grundlagen einer Religionsgeschichte von der persischen bis zur hellenistischen Zeit (zusammen mit Dr. Patrick Wyssmann und Katarzyna Langenegger);
Die Ikonographie Palästinas/Israels und der Alte Orient (IPIAO)
Editorial Duties:
lectio difficilior (Electronic Journal)